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Bibles to the Homeless

Welcoming the Stranger

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Bibles to the Homeless seeks to put readable, accurate Bibles in the hands of the homeless community in Lubbock through the donations of generous individuals, churches, and businesses.



Bibles to the Homeless seeks to grow into a discipleship ministry in the city of Lubbock and branch into other West Texas cities.

Partner Churches and Organizations


Providence Presbyterian Church


Contact us to become a partner church or organization!

Homeless Ministries 

Salvation Army

Grace Campus

St. Benedict's Chapel


Contact us to be a sponsor business!

"And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’" ~Matthew 25:40~

How you can help
  • Pray

  • Donate for Bibles and other ministry costs

  • Raise awareness by sharing this website and following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  • Volunteer to lead a Bible Study

  • If you know someone who would be willing to head this up in the MIdland/Odessa area, let us know!


Contact us for other ways to help!

Subscribe for Updates

Congrats! You're subscribed.

  • More than enough Bibles have been delivered to all our partner homeless ministries in Lubbock

  • Many people have donated Bibles to this ministry (next stop: Midland/Odessa!)

Prayer Requests
  1. For expansion into the Midland/Odessa area, specifically for a contact who would help head up Bibles to the Homeless there

  2. For a Board of Directors

  3. For adults to give of their time and talents to lead Bible studies for the homeless

  4. For a successor (or more than one) who can head up this ministry after I move to Oregon

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